No morestruckthan unstruck
JMF099(Bigelow 1895; Rice 1900, 1910; Allis & Wiens 1913)
JMF098Glaucopsyche xerces (Boisduval, 1852)
JMF097Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgements, Literature Cited, Tables and Figures JMF095
Polygonia Hübner, 1819 (Wahlberg et al. 2009; Smith 2014)
JMF094Cetonia aurata (Linnaeus, 1758)
JMF093No more anthrophonic than biophonic or geophonic soundscape ecology sources (Bett 2000; Krauss 2008; Pijanowski et al. 2011a; Vogt 2012); Affects and effects [data collection, documentation, and analyzation, experimental replication, soundscape conservation, generation, interaction, structuration, and variation, ...] suspended (Krauss 1992; Robertson & Hutto 2006; Barber et al. 2010; Laiolo 2010; Dumyahn & Pijanowski 2011; Kight & Swaddle 2011; Pijanowski et al. 2011b; Daly 2014); No more sustainable than unsustainable trans-species soundscapes (Schafer 1977; Hull 1983-present; Spaid 2002; Fowkes & Fowkes 2006; Kagan & Kirchberg 2008; Kagan 2011); [...]
JMF090Do Nothing Music
1. No sounds or silences
2. No performances or productions
3. No effects or treatments
4. No dependence on relations
(Fukuoka 1978; Vomir 2011)
JMF089Indeterminate, Indifferent, and Unstable (Bett 2000 & 2010); Unknown (Beadle & Leckie 2012); Unspecified (Robinson et al. 2010)
JMF086H? ≡ (H ∧ HA ∧ H0) → (P ∧ ¬P)
JMF085Natural objects, musical instruments, and sound recordings, reproductions, and storage media indifferent-in-the-last-instance (from) hearing-in-Rhythm (Laruelle 1998; Morton 2007; Nicolescu 2008; Flower 20??); Non-manipulated(-no-more-with-than-without-)assertion or performance (Cage 1940, 1975, & 1976; Jerman 1999; Animist Orchestra 2002; Davis & Jerman 2006; Jerman & Cox 2009; Marcella 2009; Jackson 2011; Gilmurray 2013; Hogg 2013; Sansom 2013; Unspecified); N biased pseudoreplicates (Sackett 1979; Hurlbert 1984); Statistical inference undecidable (Lájer etc. 2007; Zbib et al. 2010).
Maybe X is
Maybe X is not
Maybe X is and X is not
Maybe X is and X is indescribable
Maybe X is not and X is indescribable
Maybe X is, X is not, and X is indescribable
Maybe X is indescribable
X both is and is not
X neither is nor is not
X no more is than is not
JMF083Environments 5: Crickets (Teibel 1979; Unspecified)
JMF081Polyscias fruticosa (L.) Harms (Cage 19??, Young & Zazeela 2007; Flower 2009, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2021, 2024 ...)
JMF080Silent Spring (Carson 1962); 'Mureau' (Cage 1972, 1973); N random replicates (Quinn & Keough 1993; Southwood & Henderson 2000); Uncontrolled (from) isosthenia (Pyrrho ???; Suber 1996; Wellek 2002).
JMF079Neutral and null models (Gotelli & Graves 1996; Pearson & Gardner 1997; Gotelli & McGill 2006); Auto-idiomatic improvised music (Bullock 2010; Brassier et al. 2010; Brassier 2013; Mattin 2013); N haphazard replicates (Hurlbert 1984; Krebs 1998); P-valuelessness(-no-more-with-than-without-significance) (Cohen 1994; Connor 2004; Gelman & Stern 2006; Gerrodette 2011).
Dolbear, A. (1897). The cricket as a thermometer. The American Naturalist 31: 970-971.